
Eyed Hawk Moth, Moths, Insects, Animals, BC Coastal Region, Insects Of BC
Eyed Hawk Moth, Photo Copyright By Carol Kowal

Moths have often feather-like antennae or an antenna with no club at the end. When perched, their wings lay flat. Moths usually have thick hairy bodies and more earthy colours.

American Angle Shades Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCCommon and widespread over the Pacific Northwest, occupying forests, open woods, and suburban habitats, they are out after dark. The caterpillars feed at night on bracken and other ferns, as well as a number of low plants and trees. They are awesome moths to observe, although they are not the usual colour of angle shades moths, they are indeed them. Read More….



American Lappet Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe American Lappet Moth has a wingspan of 2.5 to 5 cm. The colouring of the forewing can be from reddish to light brown and marked with white and violet. Both wings have white scalloping on the outer edges. American Lappet Moths look strange when at rest as the forewings are folded over the abdomen and the hind wings protrude out. Read More….



Biston Betularia Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe Adult Biston Betularia Moth (also called the peppered moth) is great at camouflaging themselves, and they are adept at this in their larval form, too. Peppered moth caterpillars look remarkably like sticks or twigs, which lowers their chances of getting picked off by birds and other potential predators. Read More….



Broom Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe Broom Moth (Ceramica pisi) inhabits open woodland and forest edges in the Pacific Northwest. It can be seen from late May to early August when it is attracted to light. It’s a small brown moth. The distinctive brown and yellow striped caterpillar feeds not only on Scottish Broom but can also be found feeding on bracken and various other trees and plants. Read More….




Emerald Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe Emerald Moth is one that could be mistaken for a butterfly by its shape. The upper wings are light, dusky emerald in colour, and the upper edge is bordered with white. This moth is fairly common on Vancouver Island, they are very beautiful. Read More….




Eyed Hawk Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe eyed Hawk Moth has a wingspan of up to 5 cm. Adults are pale brown with pinkish-brown forewings. The forewings are slightly scalloped with a series of chocolate blotches. This is a common moth on Vancouver Island, but because they blend into their daytime resting spots so well, you can be considered lucky to have seen one. Read More….



Eyed Owl Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCEyed owl moths are usually found in forests, but can also be seen in marshes and parks. These moths leave their cocoons in the afternoon in early May. Neither the male nor female adult moths eat; in fact, they don’t even have mouthparts! Read More….




Finger Dagger Moth Caterpillar

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe Finger Dagger Moth Caterpillar grows into a medium to large moth with light grey forewings with darker markings and white hind wings. Its forewings have normal markings, but they are somewhat broken and blurred. Its orbicular spot is a small, hollow ring. There is no basal dash. Read More….



Lophocampa Roseata Moth Caterpillar

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe Lophocampa Roseata Caterpillar is the larvae of a moth of the Arctiidae family. It was described by Walker in 1868. It is found in western Oregon, Washington and southwestern British Columbia, and all of Vancouver Island. The habitat consists of conifer forests and urban landscapes. The length of the wings is 14 to 15 mm. Read More….



Magpie Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe Magpie Moth has variable black and white patterned wings with a yellowish colouring on its upper torso and head. It is found throughout the Pacific Northwest. The caterpillar, which is pale green with bold, black spots and a rusty line down the sides, is conspicuously coloured to warn off predators. Read More….



Tent Caterpillar Moths

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe tent caterpillar moth has a wingspan of 4 to 6 cm and is dark brown with 2 whitish lines nearly parallel to the outer edge of the wings. It is widespread in North America. The caterpillars can strip and kill a tree if too many feed on it. Read More….




Tiger Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThere are many types of tiger moths that live in the Pacific Northwest, the vestal tiger moth is my personal favourite. Tiger moths are named for the beauty of their variegated colouring and not for any tiger-like tendencies. They can be spotted and banded, or pure snow-white. Read More….



White-lined Spinx Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCWhite-lined sphinx moths are among the largest flying insects of the Pacific Northwest, with adult wingspans exceeding 20 cm and the larvae can be quite large as well, with most having a prominent horn at the rear of their fleshy body. Read More….




White Wave Moth

Moths, Vancouver Island, BCThe white wave is a geometer moth. They are the second-largest family of moths in North America. This family includes many serious agricultural and forest pests. These moths are small to medium, with slender bodies and broad wings. Read More….



Moths are usually active at night and rest during the day in their preferred habitat. Moth caterpillars spin a silk cocoon before changing into a moth. Scientists have identified some 250,000 species of moths worldwide but suspect there may be that many again waiting to be discovered.

Owl Eyed Moth, Vancouver Island, BC
Owl Eyed Moth, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

Moths are found all around the world and are closely related to the more colourful butterfly. However, moths are nocturnal animals and are more pastel-coloured to blend into the darker surroundings of night. As with their butterfly cousins, moths are known to play a vital role in the pollination of plants as they flutter between them. Those plants that flower during the night rely solely on moths and bats to pollinate them. They are the second most important pollinator after the bees.

Locampa Roseta Caterpillar, Vancouver Island, BC
Locampa Roseata Caterpillar, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

Moths are herbivorous animals and survive on a plant-based diet. Moths predominantly drink the nectar from the plants using their long straw-like tongue and moths are also known to do a similar thing with sugary fruits and berries. The moth caterpillars, also still generally herbivores, eat a mixture of plants and leaves and some species will also eat insects.

The moth has natural predators throughout the world that include birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, and even other insects and larger spiders. All around the world, both moths and their caterpillars are known to be a pest, particularly to farmers as the caterpillars can, in some years, eat through a farmer’s crops pretty fast.

Tent Caterpillar Moth, Vancouver Island, BC
Tent Caterpillar Moth, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

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