Gordon River

Gordon River, Vancouver Island, BC
Gordon River, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan
The Gordon River watershed is pretty extensive, it flows out in the Port Renfrew area. It is highly respected as a kayaking river, this is for white water kayaking. The best place to kayak is in what is simply called the Middle Gordon. This is probably the best whitewater kayaking river section on all of Vancouver Island.

The Gordon River is a river fed by rain, there really is no spring melt so the best time to put in is during the heavy fall and winter rainstorms. The extent of the watershed allows the Middle Gordon to keep up a high flow for at least a week after a good rainstorm. The river runs alongside the Gordon River FSR which is accessible from both Port Renfrew and Lake Cowichan.

Gordon River, Vancouver Island, BC
Gordon River, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan