Birds Of Prey

Birds Of Prey are the lords of the air realm, they are the forest hunters, the warriors, the raptors.  They are the predators that hunt with their powerful beaks, strong feet, and razor-sharp talons. They are the ones with extraordinary eyesight and incredible hearing.

American Kestrel

American Kestrel, Vancouver Island, BCThe American Kestrel is Pacific Northwest’s smallest falcon, it is also, one of the most beautiful falcons. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also one of the fastest falcons of all the falcons that live or visit our coast. We see them almost daily here on Vancouver Island and they can be seen on most parts of the coast. Read More….



Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle, Vancouver Island, BCThe adult bald eagle is easy to identify but the immature birds are easily confused with the golden eagle, Both have dark brown bodies but the golden eagle has a much redder colour to it and his head is almost golden. It is 5 years before the bald eagle fully matures. Read More….



Barn Owl

Barn Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThe Barn Owl is a fairly small owl with a max body length of 50 cm, a wingspan of just over 1 meter, and weighs up to 1.5 kilos. Barn owls can be found all over the Pacific Northwest and most of North America. The Barn owl’s northern range is limited only by the severity of winter weather and the availability of prey. Read More….



Barred Owl

Barred Owl, Vancouver Island, BCTypical Barred Owl habitat consists of forests with some mature trees near open country. Their historic range covered the eastern half of North America, but recently the owl’s range has been expanding into western North America, they are now breeding in parts of the Pacific Northwest. Read More….



Coopers Hawk

Coopers Hawk, Vancouver Island, BCThe Cooper’s Hawk could best be described as a reluctant migrant. Although it leaves the northern portions of its breeding range in winter, it spends the non-breeding season farther north than most other hawks. There are year-round populations that inhabit the Pacific Northwest. Read More….



Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle, Vancouver Island, BCThe Golden Eagle is a very large, dark-brown bird of prey. Adults are distinguished by golden-brown feathers on the back of the head, neck, and upper wings. They have gold-flecked brownish eyes, and the bald eagle’s eyes are much more yellow in colour. Read More….



Great Gray Owl

Great Gray Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThis is our largest owl, The Great Gray Owl is a dark grey colour with bars and flecks of light grey and white, They have a dense, fluffy plumage that, when perched, makes them look quite bulky, they have long wings that extend past the body, a fairly long tail, and a very large head. The size of the head and the prominent facial disk make the yellow eyes appear small. Read More….


Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThe Pacific Northwest has a fairly large population of Great Horned Owls but you would be considered lucky to see one. They always hunt at night and usually deep in the old-growth forests. They reside year-round in their territories on the southern coast. Read More….



Long-Eared Owl

Long Eared Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThe Long-Eared Owl is a medium-sized owl, they have long feather tufts on their heads from which they get their name. These owls are not often seen,  they hunt the deep forests at night. They are sometimes confused with the great horned owls but they are much smaller and have more light brown on the head and chest. Read More….



Merlin Falcon

Merlin, Vancouver Island, BCThe Merlin Falcon often preys on small to medium-sized birds, swooping down from above and grabbing the unsuspecting bird in flight. The song sparrow is Merlin’s prey of choice. Merlins can be seen in most parts of the Pacific Northwest, but they are uncommon birds. Read More….



Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk, Vancouver Island, BCThe Northern Goshawk lives in the coastal forest regions of the Pacific Northwest. This goshawk prefers coniferous forests, but will also live in deciduous and mixed forests from sea level to subalpine areas. This bird can also be seen in urban forested parks. Read More….



Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier, Vancouver Island, BCNorthern harriers can be found all across the north including all the Pacific Northwest. They prefer open country, like grasslands, wetlands, meadows, cultivated areas, and woodland forest settings. Birds in the northern part of their range will migrate south during the winter months, southern populations do not migrate. Read More….



Northern Saw-Whet Owl

Northern Saw-Whet Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThe Northern Saw-whet Owl is our smallest owl on Vancouver Island, they are around the size of an American Robin. They can be found in dense thickets or conifers, often at eye level, although they can be found around 20 feet up. Saw-whets are often in danger of being preyed upon by larger owls and raptors. Saw-whet owls are also migratory birds without any strict pattern. Read More….




Osprey, Vancouver Island, BCThe Osprey arrive in the Pacific Northwest in the first weeks of April and they have left for their winter grounds by the end of October. They nest near lakes, marshes, and along the ocean shores. Read More….




Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon, Vancouver Island, BCThe peregrine falcon can be found in all parts of the Pacific Northwest, look for them at the forest edge and atop utility poles at the edge of the road. Adults have blue-gray wings, dark brown backs, a creamy brown coloured underside with brown spots, and white faces with a black tear stripe on their cheeks. Read More….



Red-Tailed Hawk

Red Tailed Hawk, Vancouver Island, BCThe red-tailed hawk is the largest of hawks weighing an average of 1 to 2 kilos and reaching up to 65 cm in length. Its wingspan can reach up to 175 cm long. It has a dark brown crown, cheeks, back, and wings. It has a white neck, chest, and belly, and has heavy brown markings on the lower chest and flanks. Its tail is broad with a distinctive rusty red colour and usually has a black bar on the end. Read More….



Sharp-Shinned Hawk

Sharp Skinned Hawk, Vancouver Island, BCThe Pacific Northwest has a permanent population of sharp-shinned hawks, but it is a rather small population. The slender, long-bodied sharp-shinned hawk has short, rounded wings and a long, narrow tail. The adult has a dark, blue-gray back and a rusty barred breast, immature hawks have more brown, with streaking on the underparts. Read More….



Short-Eared Owl

Short Eared Owl, Vancouver Island, BCShort-eared owls prefer open meadows and wetlands to breed in. Breeding begins in March and runs through June. When short-eared owls court, they will put on elaborate displays of flight and wing clapping, this is incredible to observe. These birds primarily hunt small mammals, but they will eat small birds, birds eggs and the young will eat all sorts of insects. Read More….



Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThese large white owls breed up on the tundra in the Arctic, where the females lay up to 11 eggs in their nest. The number of eggs depends upon the amount of prey that is available in any given year. In some real lean years, these owls may not breed at all. These are tough little birds who will defend their nests against all threats including wolves, foxes, or other birds of prey. Read More….



Swarthi Northern Pygmy Owl

The Swarthi Northern Pygmy Owl is endemic to Vancouver Island. The Northern pygmy owl has 7 subspecies in North America with 3 of them breeding on the coast of BC. The Northern Pygmy Owl is a very small owl that does not exceed 17 cm in length. The Swarthi Northern Pygmy Owls are diurnal, which allows them to be seen hunting during the day, although they hunt all day, they prefer to hunt at sunrise and sunset. Read More….



Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture, Vancouver Island, BCTurkey vultures have an extraordinary sense of smell, which enables them to find a dead animal within 24 hours of its death. They are also empowered with sharp eyesight, which helps them to search out food. If the need arises, turkey vultures can also live on vegetation. Read More….



Western Screech Owl

Western Screech Owl, Vancouver Island, BCThe western screech owl is essentially non-migratory. On the coast, it is found in all woodland habitats, but it prefers mixed deciduous/coniferous forests, usually near a source of water. Hooting has been recorded every month on the coast but begins in earnest in February. Read More….



Birds Of Prey, Vancouver Island. BC
Bald Eagle, Vancouver Island. BC, photo by Robert Logan

Birds Of Prey are the lords of the air realm, they are the forest hunters, the warriors, the raptors.  Birds Of Prey are predators that hunt with their powerful beaks, strong feet, and razor-sharp talons. They are the ones with extraordinary eyesight and incredible hearing.

The term Birds Of Prey, Vancouver Island, BC is applied to two groups of birds, the vultures, eagles, hawks, and falcons, these are the day hunters. Then there are the night hunters, those that hunt in the dark. This group consists mostly of owls, which include the barred owl, barn owl, short-eared owl, great gray owl, great horned owl, western screech owl, and the northern pygmy owl. There are 421 species of birds of prey in the world and 133 of them are owls.

These two groups are the most threatened birds in the world. In the last 30 years, the destruction of their habitat by logging, mining, and oil/gas extraction along with human encroachment has reduced their numbers dramatically worldwide and this is happening right here on our island. Man has sometimes thought of these birds as cruel and even hunted them almost to extinction for this reason. But like all the wild creatures on our Island, they are only doing what they need to in order to survive. There is no motive or malicious reason in their actions other than survival.

Our world has many varieties of birds and animals that live in balance with one another in the chain of life. Birds are a big part of this with many types, in all sizes. The birds of prey or raptors come with sharp hooked beaks, sharp talons, and amazing eyesight that allows them to spot and home in on prey from great distances.

Birds Of Prey, Vancouver Island. BC
Turkey Vulture, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

Birds Of Prey, Vancouver Island, BC are carnivorous, they are easily identified by their hooked beaks and sharp talons to capture and tear apart their prey. Therefore, these birds are the kings of the air. Our island has many types of raptures that call it home, they are the eagles and falcons, the owls and ospreys, the hawks and vultures. They all play a role and have their place in the ecosystem. All raptors’ beaks are similar in design, curved at the tip with sharp cutting edges to rip and tear apart their prey. Falcons will sever the spinal cord of their victims with their sharp beaks.

These hunters, these birds of prey have very strong claws that end with sharp talons. These claws are very formidable. They are perfectly designed to capture, hold, and carry prey. These claws are quite powerful and can literally crush their prey to death. Osprey being fish eaters, has one hinged toe that can be held in a forward or backward position. This allows them to hold fish with two talons on each side for a secure grip. An Osprey has spiny scales on its feet that help it grip fish more securely.

Birds of prey have very keen eyesight with forward-looking eyes, this allows them to home in on prey from a great distance. All raptors are meat-eaters. Their diets may change from location and species but they all eat meat.

A message from Bud

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10 thoughts on “Birds Of Prey”

  1. Hi there.
    I just witnessed a fair sized bird fly into a tree that’s in my yard. There was a bit of a tussle then a smaller bird flew out of that same tree with the first bird right behind it. It seemed to be chasing/hunting for that smaller bird.
    I live in the Comox valley and the time was about 12:30 Am it was very dark so really all I seen was the silhouettes of both birds.
    I’ve never witnessed anything like this . Could anyone please help.

    Oh and hi bud we used to be Facebook friends. I don’t know what happened to your account of mine. Take care.

  2. Saw either a juvenile red tail or sharp shinned hawk take down a starling on Adanac street in Vancouver city today. The crows were pissed! LOL! April 24 2021

  3. Hello every year about this time there is always one baby owl crying over and over for hours.Today quails and a robin were sounding their alarms at it.I live on a rural property just wondering if it’s starving or just calling after it’s parents while they hunt.Havent seen the parents yet.

  4. We live on a mountain. It is nice. We see many of these birds every day flying around. We also see deer. I was on Hwy 18 before and saw turkey vultures and ravens.

  5. Hi! I live on rural property just outside Victoria and I often see large dark birds of prey soaring around. Is there and easy way to tell if they’re juvenile bald eagles, golden eagles, hawks, or turkey vultures? Perhaps from the shape of the wings of tail?

    1. Most likely Turkey Vultures riding the warm currents, the ends of there wings have feathers that stick out like short fingers that they use to adjust their flight.

  6. Thanks Bud, for this clear, straight forward guide to local birds of prey.
    Saw 2 bald eagles, and 3 other large birds- either Turkey vultures or brown eagles.. couldn’t tell, I was driving on the highway 18.
    Thanks again, appreciate it

  7. Hi,

    I will be in Vancouver from 25 Sep till 6 Oct. I like wildlife photography and I am looking for a birding guide who can bring me to photography owls and bird of prets.

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