Oink Oink Falls

Oink Oink Falls, Vancouver Island, BC
Oink Oink Falls, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

Oink Oink Falls is or was an awesome set of falls, located just up from the lakeshore. It’s my understanding that they have logged over the trail to the falls and are pretty busy logging right up to the lakeshore, I hope this is wrong, maybe someone could share some info on this. The Falls are pretty cool and about halfway up is a small pool that fits two with incredible views of Regan Lake.

Oink Oink Falls, Regan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC
Oink Oink Falls, Regan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

Regan Lake is a very nice little lake up in the oyster river area. You can reach the lake from the Comox logging mainline. This lake has some nice camping areas and the trout can get to a pretty nice size. Best to use a canoe or kayak to fish in this lake, and it is a great way to explore the lake. This is a quiet lake that most times, you will be the only ones here.

There is plenty of wildlife to see here, and you can see black bears, elk, deer, cougars, and wolves, along with the little ones like raccoons, pine martins, and squirrels. The birdlife here is awesome, lots of songbirds, and we always see red-tailed hawks here.

Oink Oink Falls, Regan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan
Oink Oink Falls, Regan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

The shallows around the shore are home to many dragonflies that hunt in flight. The shoreline weeds are home to lots of amphibians, like frogs and salamanders. At night, you can hear the barred owls as they hunt, and sometimes the wolves are close enough to hear. Love the sound of the wolves as they howl at night.

The wildflower shows that happen in the late spring are something to see and in the fall, you can find lots of edible mushrooms here. There are pine mushrooms, chanterelles, both white and yellow, chicken in the woods mushrooms, and honey mushrooms all here at the same time, nothing like a big feed of fresh mushrooms that have been fried in butter.

The roads in this area could be active logging roads at any time, so to avoid being forced into a ditch, drive slow with your lights on and keep an eye for these big trucks, remember, they can’t just stop.

A message from Bud

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