Pine Siskin

The Pine Siskin was a winter visitor to our feeders for years but in the winters of 2010 and 2011, they did not come back.

I have heard from birders up and down Vancouver Island who confirm that they have had no or very few returns of pine siskin. I am hopeful that we will see them return this winter.

Pine Siskin, Vancouver Island, BC
Pine Siskin, Vancouver Island, BC, photo by Bud Logan

They belong to the finch family of birds. This bird is very social all throughout the year. They fly in large flocks with a distinct undulating flight. They are small birds measuring up to 14 cm, with a wingspan of up to 22 cm, and a weight of up to 18 grams.

Siskins are generally brown all over but with heavy yellow streaking in the wings. Its belly and chest are a bit paler than its back. The pine siskin’s bill is sharp and slender while its tail is notched.

The male and female pine siskin look alike. The males usually have more yellow markings, though. The immature pine siskin is similar to the adult bird as well.

As can be gathered from the name, they like to inhabit pines and other coniferous trees. As such, when it comes to nesting, they prefer to build their nest on a horizontal branch of a coniferous tree, far from the trunk. The female bird chooses the location of the nest as well as builds the nest herself. The nest is shaped like a saucer and is made up of grass, rootlets, and twigs. It is lined with finer rootlets, feathers, fur, and moss. The pine siskin’s nest is usually concealed quite well.

The mating and breeding habits of the pine siskin are unlike most other birds which depend on the season. Their reproductive activities are more closely linked with the food supply available. If there is abundant food then this bird will start breeding.

Pine Siskin, Vancouver Island, BC
Pine Siskin, Vancouver Island, BC, Photo By Robert Logan

They are monogamous birds and a pair usually stays together for a long period of time. When mating, pine siskin’s can either stay together as a loose colony or separate as individual pairs. This habit extends up to the nesting period.

They are basically seed-eaters. In the forest, it eats the cones on pine trees and other coniferous trees. The pine siskin also eats the seeds of deciduous trees and grass. Aside from seeds, they are also known to eat floral buds and tree nectar.

They are also known for their preference for thistle seed. If you want this bird to visit your feeder, you should never run short of thistle seed.

Update, we have had pine siskin’s return this year in great numbers, and from what l am hearing from other birders is the same. Welcome back, my little friends.

They are very susceptible to getting salmonella infections, and it is very important to keep your feeders clean to ensure that they are safe from this deadly affliction.

A message from Bud

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3 thoughts on “Pine Siskin”

  1. We have loads of pine siskins. They come in big flocks to our bird feeders that are full with shelled sunflower seeds. Keeps me busy cleaning & filling feeders.
    The young like to lie on our dark brown-stained deck sunning themselves.
    We live on high bank oceanfront land on Pender Island, BC
    They have been here for years.

  2. Hi – I am trying to identify a bird that we recently had at our feeder. We live in the Comox Valley.
    From what I’ve seen, the Pine Siskin is very close to the one we had( as far as the markings on the wings and size of the bird go), however the one at our feeder had a yellow stripe on the crown of its head! Do you have any ideas about this one?

    1. look to the golden crowned kinglet, l think that is your bird. There is the golden crown sparrow, but it is a bigger bird so l doubt if that could be the bird you saw.

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